Ido Ho are Movement Templates for effective practise

what is ido ho?

Ido Ho are literally translated Movement Templates.

Basically they are mini-kata that focus on one or two specific ways of moving. That's why they are excellent to use for specific goals and they are fun to use.

In general, you use basic techniques so it never hurts to practise these methods. If you have experience you can add and alter the techniques easily making it versatile for your training.

benefits of ido ho

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ido ho templates and drills

shiho uke

This method is executed by moving in four directions - hence: Shiho. Although any technique can be used, in this video you execute basic blocks to four directions. 

It's a great method to practise Mawatte as well as block and punch combinations, which I address in the video.

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Shiho shuto uke

Originally, I learned Shiho Uke template from Ishikawa Sensei who used to teach a beginner and advanced version. 

Can you spot what's advanced about his performance?

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tenshin happo

Tenshin Happo is a training method template - originally from Shito Ryu.

With this method you can practice techniques in eight directions in a structured manner.

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