great that you're joining us 😃

While Your Ticket & Members Area Access are Being Processed, hit play to find out what's next👇

— Calling all can't-stop-thinking-about-karate enthusiasts —

explore karate on the frontier through online courses and live masterclasses that excite, inspire and take your skill to the next level — even if you've been in the game for decades

1 word: Goldmine 🤩

Mats 🇸🇪 

1st Kyu

Invaluable classes 👌

Nigel 🇬🇧 

2nd Dan

Road to progression 👊

Andreas 🇩🇪  

3rd Dan


Because: (checklist)

  • You can't help to think about Karate every day...
  • You watch Karate videos on Facebook and Youtube...
  • You grab a book from the shelf to find answers, get inspired or simply enjoy the thing you love: Karate.
  • You can't talk about it much with your friends because they don't "get" you...
  • In the Dojo you feel you're not the average student...
  • And you want to study and practise more...

Sounds familiar?

You're not alone. In every Dojo there are a few anomalies like you 👊

And we're united inside The Elite.

Why I started it?

Ever since Ishikawa sensei took me under his wing, I'm working around the clock to study and practise intricate details that matter...

...and give back to you through The Digi Dojo.

That's why I launched The Elite: to take it to the next level. You'll find 71 testimonials of raving fans on this page for a reason. And I want YOU to be part of our community too 🙇‍♂️

It just hits home 👏

Neil 🇬🇧  

1st Dan

Your Karate booster 🚀

Andy 🇩🇪 

4th Dan

Karate addicts: join 😎

Yann 🇸🇪  

Assistant Instructor

Inside The Elite you get access to:

✅ ALL Pro & Elite courses inside The Digi Dojo

✅ LIVE Elite Masterclasses + HD recordings (not those low-res zoom videos)

✅ Access to the private community to get your daily dose through explainer videos, training methods and thought-provoking questions.

All so you can stay on top of your game:

Excited. Inspired. Better.

Ready to learn more? 

Hi 👋  

I'm AJ from The Digi Dojo .com, and here's your invitation to join us on the frontier.👇 

FROM: AJ van Dijk — Chief Instructor Karate & Kobudo, Founder of The Digi Dojo

SUBJECT: How to revolutionise your training and enjoy your Karate on the frontier

A voyager...

Exploring Karate...

On the frontier...

You think that sound intriguingly awesome, fun, inspiring and exciting?

It's what we do inside The Elite. And since you're a can't-stop-thinking-about-karate enthusiast: you should join us too 👊

That said, Karate is not always a bed of roses.

If that's the case you wouldn't be here.

Just like the 37 Karateka from 14 countries worldwide that joined The Elite for a reason...


  • Deep down you are: still eager, but equally limited as you can't find an instructor that provides you with the depth you're looking for. Or the frequency. 
  • You feel like driving with the handbrake on: you see your grandma's cookie jar on the top shelf, but you can't reach it. It's frustrating.
  • And your eagerness is overshadowed by worries about correct technique, which instructor is right... even Karate politics. This slows you down and takes away unrestrained happiness a kid has playing outside (and you want that back). Karate is awesome and you don't want it to give you headaches.


  • But you're disappointed that nothing excitingly new comes along: Either you lack regular access to top instructors in the first place, or you've been in the game for decades and know a thing or two. Classes and seminars are fun, but it's not like you continuously discover new realms — like rice without flavor.
  • It's the same over and over again. Or you're left doing random stuff to spice up your training...
  • Result: your progress is marginal — I mean: are you much better now than you were last year?

Ok. Maybe you're in the "the more I know, the more I realise I don't know" camp. But fact is you have no clue what you don't know — and no gameplan to get there.

Been there and done that, so I know how you feel — EVEN while studying under Japanese instruction.

Private training at my house before Covid (2019) — AJ, Sakagami, Roeland

Sometimes you feel like walking in the snow. When you look back you can see your footsteps. But when you look forward there's no clear path. No future steps. Not even landmarks.

As if practising on blind faith HOPING that one day you'll master Othsuka-level Taisabaki.

I told you I've been there...

Anyway — enough drama. But I needed to make sure we're on the same page.


Is there a way to speed up and energise your training into white-belt fun style while understanding and developing fundamental internal-level skill? 


But if you're rigid like "This is what instructor so and so taught me on Sunday at 2PM back in '87..." than that's where you stay — in 1987.

If you're a 1987-rules Karateka: stop reading.

We push the boundries. Just like Sakagami sensei who went through changes and upgrades even well into his seventies. 

We're still working on Junzuki, digging deeper.

Online private training with Sakagami sensei during Covid.

If you're on the edge of your seat to find out where all this is heading... read this👇

"Revolutionise your karate with deep yet easy-to-understand explanations, proven-effective methods and technical hints you can apply straight away so you can take your knowledge and skill next level."


It's ready. And you can join us.

Spot-on feedback 🎯

Jos 🇳🇱 

1st Kyu

1st class instruction 🙌

David 🇪🇸 

5th Dan

The way forward 🤌

Art 🇮🇪 

1st Dan

Insane value 🤯

Willem 🇳🇱 

4th Dan

Brilliant 🙇‍♂️

Andrew 🇨🇦 

5th Dan

More than complete👏

Pieter 🇳🇱 

2nd Dan

8 years went by to craft the Largest Online Karate Resource on the planet with 13 dedicated full-blown premium courses that bring high-level instruction to your doorstep. 

Here's 6 of 13 Premium Courses on display 

Then, "thanks" to Corona we were forced to teach online, and the results were amazing.

Watching the excitement, the progress and the atmosphere...

...thats' when I knew:

It's time to launch "The Elite"

Enjoy Karate on the frontier with The Elite through...

  • LIVE Online Masterclasses that leave you with feelings like "Awesome!", "so much to take away" up to "after 20 years it finally makes sense".
  • Masterclass Return Days to make absolutely sure you're on track.
  • Private community were I'm posting videos regularly with effective unorthodox methods, thought-provoking questions, explainer videos and more stuff that meets your needs. 

Inside the group you get personal guidance.

  • The posts are neatly categorised and tagged, so you can quickly find what you're looking for...
  • ...and the Masterclasses & Return Days are all recorded so you don't have to miss anything.

It's the way to stay motivated with access to top-notch instruction 👊


And did I mention...?

  • You get unlimited access to ALL Pro & Elite Courses (even the teachers course)

Joining The Elite is thé solution to enjoy your Karate to the max, understand it deeply and witnessing your techniques develop as fast as humanly possible.

So, either:

You access direct instruction from close-to-the-source Japanese instructors, practise and research for years on end, visit seminars, travel, teach, write books, hundreds of articles and shoot thousands of videos to gain in-the-trench experience... study to become a professional teacher so you know the ins and outs of step-by-step effective learning to combine and optimise every single thing there is to know about Karate training — and then use that for your own training.


Join The Elite where I've done exactly that and bring it to you on a silver platter.

✅ Go all out with courses on a dedicated subjects. Or quickly check the technique you want to work on...

✅ Get new training suggestions and thought-provoking ideas from the elite-only community...

✅ And join The Elite Online Masterclasses & Return Days to stay on top of your game. They're fun too 😎

Treasure box ✨ 

Jessica 🇸🇪 

Assistant Instructor

Constant progress 🔥 

Francis 🇨🇦 

1st Kyu

Simply outstanding 🙌

Roeland 🇳🇱 

5th Dan

You'll discover the key points that move the needle in a matter of minutes, so you can practise knowing that every repetition is fun as well as effective.

here's what you get

the elite masterclass + recordings

— PRICING 37/m 17/m

You can frequently join full-blown prepared-in-detail masterclasses. Scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays, so you won't miss out if you teach yourself on Saturdays. Plus: you have access to recordings so you can check them if you can't make it. Or revisit them when you want.

The catch: it's like an old-fashion magazine subscription. When you subscribe, you get every next issue. But they won't deliver all past issues to your mailbox. You're still in time to claim access to the upcoming masterclass.

  • Stay on top of your game with brand-new masterclasses where you'll discover frontier stuff and powerful methods.
  • Scheduled on Saturday's and Sunday's, powered by full HD recordings (not those low-quality Zoom videos) you'll never have to miss a thing.
  • Get direct personal feedback that not only create eureka moments, but also target your bad habits right then and there — you know: that pesky one you can't get rid of no matter what you try...

the return days + recordings

— PRICING: Elite only

The Return Days are to make absolutely sure you're on track. 

If you're on a diet, you don't want to lose 5 kilogram only to bounce back a month later because you slipped back into your old habits...

The return days are there so you can keep momentum, get personal feedback, make what you learned before actually stick and go beyond by digging even deeper — they're a great fallback too in case you couldn't make it to the masterclass.


AJ shares knowledge that is next to no other instructor that you have seen on the internet. He's thorough in demonstrating & explaining the techniques while you can easily follow along. The classes contain great insights as well as effective teaching methods. AJ's very articulate and it’s like having him in your own room as a private instructor as you get tailored personal feedback.

ART DORE  //  Wadokai Northern Ireland

the elite-only community

— PRICING: Elite only

You'll see me posting videos regularly with effective unorthodox methods, thought-provoking questions and more stuff that meets your needs. It's the place where you get new ideas for your personal training and for teaching class.

In this group, there's no room for technical going-in-circles discussions because you don't want to waste your time: posts are about value.

Here's what I already shared the first 3 days...

  • Internal muscle training with anti-rotation — stay straight in Pinan Yondan/Kushanku Yokogeri (this method automatically engages internal muscle with coil loading).
  • 2 Kneeraising methods from our warm-up that teach disassociating movement so you can control your posture and kick without telegraphing.
  • Irimi Hip Push variation training that blends Suri Ashi with punch-from-all-over-the-place skills (it's how you master alignment in-flight).
  • Wall pushing for shoulder stability + hack = hard & stable punching.
  • Refined never-shared-before detail of the first move from Chinto (this is how you technically execute "just natural")
  • Powerful compression & expansion methods that turns your regular punch, no matter how hard, into a sophisticated technique that you can use in close range easily too. 

And since the first 3 days of going live, that list has grown tremendously. All posts are categorised and tagged so you can quickly find what you're looking for.

There are cool and motivational members in there too. Like Francis 😆

"Finally", You Also Get Access To ALL Pro & Elite Courses 👇

Ido Kihon Pro

— PRICING 97 euro

Discover In-Depth Theory Of Wadokai Ido Kihon And Boost Your Ability To Execute The Official Basics Properly — Take Your Knowledge And Skill To Japanese Level

Ido Kihon Pro not only teaches the official JKF-Wadokai basics properly — you discover what's beyond step and punch, and twist your hip. Through in-depth articles, video training and actionable key points you'll know exactly what to focus on, and what to completely ignore (your next exam will be a walk in the park and your instructor and Dojo mates will wonder how you improve your skill so fast).

i found tips to improve right away

The second I got access to Mastering Shiyobui I checked JKF-Wadokai Ido Kihon first and I was already impressed. Even after years of training I found tips to improve my Junzuki right away!

CHRISTOPH  //  Germany

  • Detailed yet easy-to-understand instructions you can apply to your training straight away. Beyond "step forward" or "twist your hip" so you can work on deeper layers of Wado's Ido Kihon. 
  • In-depth articles with details only a few top instructors know — until now.
  • Straight-to-the-point video training without fluff or filler so you can absorb the knowledge you're looking for fast — as if vividly remembering every word of instruction you got at a seminar (that you normally forget)
  • Improve your techniques in no-time with actionable key points that are easy to understand and work like magic (it's your scientifically-proven "shortcut")
  • Including Keriwaza and "Renrakuwaza Complete" so you can transform static basics into dynamic movement that you can apply in sparring and combat

mastering shiyobui

— PRICING 97 euro

Boost Your Versatility With 23 Almost-Forgotton Techniques Of Traditional Karate — Make The Obscure Oldschool Forms Part Of Your Arsenal For Effective Self-Defense

Thanks to Mastering Shiyobui you'll know how to turn your hands and feet into weapons. You'll learn how to apply them from a variety of angles and execute punches and kicks on long, medium as well as short distance. You also get access to "The Fundamental Series" bonus that reveals how anything you do affects everything you do (that's the real gamechanger).

The new ways to apply the fists were eye opening

The new ways to apply the fists were eye opening and the application for kumate was very informative. Because of that, I'll definitely be keeping my mind open to even more ways to apply the basics beyond what I've learned. 


  • Discover over 30 oldschool styles that turns your hands and feet into effective self-defense weapons.
  • The fundamental details that drive deeper understanding that are true for all forms (you don't have to memorise 100+ details).
  • The wide range of pairwork and drills are tools dedicated to show you how to apply and how to practice so you start to see results fast (finally, you know where to start)
  • Upgrade your skills with Ido-Kihon Pro covering all 10 JKF-Wadokai official basics, from Junzuki all the way up to Tobikomi-Nagashizuki.
  • Get a thought-through framework for Renraku Waza that not only teaches how to make logic combinations that work, but also increases your ability to apply principles such as Seichusen, Tai no Nuki and Chinshin-Ho.

And you also get:

ultimate uke waza

— PRICING 97 euro

Discover The Finer Points Of All Uke Waza ("Blocks") Plus Matching Pairwork And Training Methods To Make Them Work Against Anything That Comes At You — Self-Defense Included

Thanks to Ultimate Uke Waza you'll know how to block, use your blocks as attacks and control your opponent. All the way from fundamental key points to self-defense applications.

advice that gets you next level

Inspite of my 30+ years in Wado, somehow AJ sensei always manages to give me exactly the right advice that gets me to the next level. I never experienced that before. You can see that same advice shine through this course completely. I highly recommend Ultimate Uke Waza.

ROELAND CUPPERS  //  5th Dan Wadokai

  • Key points of all 20 ways to block so you can execute them correctly because you know the exact criteria to create effective movement
  • Applications of the blocks taught step by step, with easy as well as advanced variations.
  • 30 Sanbon Kumite & 26 Ippon Kumite that provide a coherent framework to learn movement, positioning, defense and counter attack.
  • 4 eBooks on Uke Waza and Sanbon Kumite that reveal details you can easily look up on your phone using search in seconds.
  • Ido Ho Templates (how to move + add a block), full follow-along classes and mini series that contain secrets and methods for practise normally preserved for private seminars so you can turn an average Dojo Monday into an elite training session

So now that you have they keys to effective offense and a solid defense and counter attack strategy, it's time to study Kata deeply with:

Keys to Crisp Kata

— PRICING 197 euro

Discover The Below-The-Surface Keys To Perform Crisp Kata And Execute Effective Applications So Your Techniques Become Sharper In No-Time

Keys To Crisp Kata reveals full in-depth analysis of all 15 Wadokai Kata: move-by-move explanations, video walkthroughs, key points and seminar footage. You'll know exactly what to focus on and how to practise to take your skill to Japanese level. Kata applications included.


If you want to get a deeper understanding of Wado karate, this course is a real treasure. The detailed explanations and comprehensive illustrations, especially on the form, execution, and principles behind wado Kata makes it one of the best out there.

ANDY ARDELEAN  //  4th Dan Wadokai

  • Full coverage of all 15 Wadokai Kata: Pinan Shodan, Nidan, Sandan Yondan and Godan. Kushanku, Naihanchi, Seishan, Chinto... and also Bassai, Rohai, Wanshu, Niseishi, Jitte and Jion.
  • 60+ Kata applications of all Pinan Kata, straight from Kata Applications and Analysis book that include self-defense techniques in situations when the opponent takes hold of you.
  • Fundamental theory of how to practise and apply Kata covering Kaisetsu, Ohyo, Henka, Kenkyu, Keiko and Renshu
  • Seperate key point videos so you kow what to do in minutes.
  • Full Walkthrough and follow-along training videos as if your taking my seminar in your living room

The Kata applications are all based on Wado's principles that you learn deeply in:

Advanced Wado Kumite

— PRICING 197 euro

Discover Fundamental Keys Of Advanced Wado Kumite That Take Your Wado From Average To Excellent

Advanced Wado Kumite covers Kihon Kumite, Kumite Gata, Tanto Dori and Idori completely. With details only a few top instructors know so you can make your skill look effortless too while being highly effective. Passing your next grading was never this easy.

exceeded expectations

Even though I've been to many seminars with Sakagami and Nukina sensei, access to Advanced Wado Kumite exceeded my expectations. Also, there's too much that will be forgotten, so now I use The Digi Dojo to check the different forms.

MARTIN STRÖM  //  3rd Dan Wadokai

  • Analysis on fundamental principles such as Ko Bo Ittai, Maai and Kiai, Mazakai, and many more. They're explained in simple terms so you can get the inner dynamics of Wado Kumite — nothing abstract or cryptic that you can't use.
  • 3 Wado No Michi eBooks on Kihon Kumite, Tanto Dori and Idori that you can access anywhere and anytime. Look up the answer on your phone with search quickly and go back to practise. No wasting time. And no practising the 'wrong' way.
  • 10 Kihon Kumite that reveal more than form. Even beyond the hidden movement. You also get easy-to-execute fundamental key points so every repetition is a big step closer to mastery. Closer to passing your grading with flying colors.
  • 10 Kumite Gata that drive true understanding of Wado Kumite. The flow of Kumite Gata is unparalled. And you get the ingredients to flow and control your opponent to a high degree of finesse. Effective short-range striking included.
  • 7 Tanto Dori that contain the inner workings of Kansetsu Waza, Kuzushi Nage Waza and projection of Seichusen that allows you to control and takedown your opponent without need for excessive physical strength or raw power. It works against muscular dudes too.
  • 7 Classical Idori with keys of connected body movement that allow you to overcome the opponent even if he resists (no chance you'll be embarrased when that big guy takes hold of you).
  • The core exercises to develop Japanese-Level Taisabaki topped off with "The Seminar Section" where you get access to loads of seminar footage never revealed to the public before.

After Kihon, Kata and Kumite comes the final stage of movement...

the journey to henka waza

— PRICING 97 euro

Achieve Freedom Of Movement Through Ohyo Kumite And Henka Waza So You Can React To Any Change And Control Your Opponent

Kata Kaisetsu, Ohyo, Henka... Omote, Ura, Henka... The Journey To Henka Waza guides you to the final stage of training that allows you to transform techniques in a flash. The Journey reveals the framework you need to break the form and achieve freedom of movement so you can react to any change and stay ahead of your opponent.

easy to understand how everything comes together

What's explained in The Journey To Henka Waza is a real eye-opener that gives my training more focus. In Karate, you hear the expression "every block is a punch, and every punch is a block", but in Henka Waza it all comes together. This course presents this ideology in a practical way that is easy to understand.


  • Discover the real meaning of Henka Waza and it's 5 keys that teach the mindset and skills that allow you to adapt to change instantly
  • The Ohyo Kumite eBook that explaines move by move revealing details that "only a few top instructors know".
  • 8 Ohyo Kumite completely unraleved through walkthrough videos that show how to execute overlooked elements that make your technique effective — no power needed to sweep and take him down.
  • 8 Henka Waza of Ohyo Kumite that reveal a plethora of ways to react to change in a coherent framework so you can connect the dots and Henka Waza and make it work for you.
  • [BONUS] The Meotode Crash Course, Nailing Nage Waza, Core Of Kote Gaeshi and Ashi Barai In Action PLUS The Nage Waza Collection that provide you with more strategies, applications and variations you ever need to control and overcome your opponent.

And there's more...

mastering meotode

— PRICING 197 euro

Discover the framework that teaches Compression and Meotode simultaneously, from the ground up — trapping skills included that unlock your 1-inch-punch ability.

Unlock your fundamental skill and improve your Meotode so your basic blocks come to life. Especially the ability to strike with compression without relying on low-level hip twisting that inhibits you from executing techniques with the speed and sharpness you're looking for. And by the way: You also want to hear this if you're looking to boost your trapping skills.

a must-have course

I got Mastering Meotode to fill in the gaps in my karate skills. The biggest eye opener I got from the series is the importance of the basics. If you know the basics you can progress quickly, even without dojo training. The best reason for using Mastering Meotode is to understand advanced technics and the quick progression you will have. Just get the Mastering Meotode - you wont regret it.


  • There are methods that develop compression FAST — so your punches become sharper than ever (your friends will wonder how you're pulling that off).
  • It's these very same methods that hardwire Meotode into your body — so your defense and offense will be more effective. Automatically.
  • And there's a framework that teaches Compression and Meotode simultaneously from the ground up — trapping skills included that unlock your 1-inch-punch ability.
  • Study The 8 Meotode Kumite that provide in-depth high-level study of the core fundamentals in application. These Wado-Kihon-Kumite like series are the ideal next step after you upgrade your skill with The Framework combined with the Crash Course.
  • Mastering Meotode not only provides structured practise allowing you to internalise every skill every step of the way. Plus: it also gives you access to training methods and pairwork that's specifically designed to build compression skills. Automatically.Your movement becomes sharp, heavy and effective.

the kobudo curriculum

— PRICING 197 euro

Not only master Bo, Sai, Nunchaku and Tonfa, but deepen your empty-hand Karate skills and add variety to your training too. You'll learn 40 Kihon, 20 Kumite and 12 Training Kata — "designed to make you good".


"The exercises to drill familiarity and how AJ relates back to the empty hand aspects of Karate are my biggest take-aways. I couldn't recommend his courses and The Kobudo Curriculum enough."

PETE  //  3rd Dan Wado Ryu, UK

  • Enjoy variety of training with 40 principle-based Kihon techniques setup to handle the weapon fast and more easily with fundamental quality.
  • Study 12 Fukyu Kata made to master the weapon (so no headaches trying to figure out what obscure moves are supposed to mean).
  • Truly master the weapons through 20 Fundamentally designed Kumite so you can understand actual application and connect it to your Karate techniques (it's not straight-forward Gedan Barai, Gyakuzuki stuff).
  • [BONUS] The Training Center, The Applications Archive, The Kobudo Mini Series & Yokoyama's Seminar Footage turn this into an seemingly endless resource to enjoy your Kobudo to the max.

mobility for martial arts

— PRICING 197 euro

Reveals a plethora of effective mobility exercises, stretching techniques and soft tissue work. If you've ever felt stiff or unable to do techniques as you want them to — check this out.

Increase mobility and "free-up" your body with exercises and hacks that melt away aches, pains, stiff muscles and all those things that inhibit you from executing your favorite techniques properly. And by the way: You also want to hear this if you're looking to achieve peak performance. Use This 4-Hit Combo Mobility System To Unlock Your Martial Arts Full Potential And Melt Away Your Stiffness — Fast


This program DOES work, even for a stiff 50 year old like myself with highly rigid hip joints... I very quickly noticed clear improvements even though my dedication to the program has been very far from optimal.

MATS VINDEFJARD  //  1st Kyu, Wadokai Sweden

  • Enter "The Mobility Center" for a quick check or a follow along so you loosen up the getting-in-your-way body part (so your body feels close to 18 again)
  • There's always a method matching YOU inside the numerous-variations Stretching Exercise Library so you always get a good stretch no matter your current ability.
  • Access "The Foam Roller Archive" that shows how to take care of your muscle down to the millimeter (that also works if it's your first time, so you'll be showing your "new" high kick to your friends the very same day). 
  • Pick any of the Myofascial Self-Release techniques so your muscles go from restricted to released so you can enjoy your day and training with your seemingly brand-new body.
  • Mobilise fast with "Grinding" and many other hacks so you minimise exercise time and dedicate your training to what you love the most: Martial Arts.

the karate class collection

— PRICING 197 euro

Secure your at-home training with 30+ follow-along classes and a variety of exercises.

Enjoy training, feel happy and energised with 30+ designed to follow-along classes to get excited and discover new depths of your skill. From now on, practise enthusiastically and frequently when you want, without depending on whether your schedule meets the classes from your Dojo. Give the table a nudge, take left stance and practise along with me. You are in control to take fun, effective and energetic classes anytime you want.

perfect for training at home

The Karate Class Collection from AJ Sensei is a great help for training at home. He gives a high-level training, including sophisticated warm-up, techniques and many focus points. It will help you, when you’re focused, to bring your karate to the next level. Especially during the pandemic it helped me to keep training properly.

HEIN TREUREN  //  3rd Kyu, Wadokai Holland

  • Sharpen your moves through 5 classes on the official JKF-Wadokai Ido Kihon that reveal keys that drastically improve sharpness and power (the result of minding those key points are what examiners are probably missing in your performance).
  • Enjoy 10 “Various Basics” classes with a variety of exercises that create infectious enthusiasm as you progress on my count.
  • Practise along with 9 Kata classes that reveal common errors and how to fix them……plus how to practice Kata effectively so you feel empowered to practice by yourself. 
  • Discover how Karate and Kobudo connect and learn new fun skills — if you don’t have a Bo, Sai or Nunchaku there are innovative Karate versions that stimulate and excite you.

teaching for martial arts

— PRICING 997 euro

Discover Practical Skills That Professional Teachers Use So You Can Run Smooth Perfectly-Structured Classes, Keep Your Students Motivated And Unlock Their Full Potential.

Teaching for Martial Arts reveals skills that improve your teaching, your techniques and above all: your ability to provide your students with the best they deserve.

a modern way to achieve more

Thanks to Teaching for Martial Arts my teaching has improved. Now I have the knowledge and tools to look at each student differently and give them the training they need individually. The old way of teaching works, but only for a few people. AJ teaches how to teach a modern way that helped me get more out of my students.

HENRIK HANSSON  //  5th Dan Wadokai Sweden

  • 91 lessons on simply everything you need to know to teach classes professionally
  • 16 Quizzes to test your knowledge
  • No uneccesary theory that doesn't apply to the Dojo or that's sounds good in theory but doesn't work practically
  • The Insight Booster Workbook with 26 practical scenario's and 100 questions
  • The Insight Booster Workbook Answers (eleborated video answers that leave no stone unturned).

japanese level taisabaki

— PRICING: Elite only

Enhance your formal Kumite practise through specifically designed solo and pairwork exercises that add fun and variety to your training with dialed-in methods to boost official pairwork like Kihon Kumite and Kumite Gata.

Discover Dailed-In Methods That Horsepowers Your Practise So Results Of Your Advanced Wado Kumite Training Are Like A Dedicated Bodybuilder With The Perfect Diet & Training Regime.

the true power of his teachings

Even though I've trained for 30+ years under Japanese instruction, it's AJ sensei who always gives me the right advice that gets me to the next level. His crystal-clear key points and simple, straighforward methods are the true power of his teachings that I've never experienced anywhere else. That same stuff is what AJ selected and added to Japanese Level Taisabaki. I recommend you to take these on board any day.

ROELAND CUPPERS  //  5th Dan Wadokai

  • Specialised exercises that laserfocus on specific parts of Taisabaki so you can practise what takes your skill next level.
  • Tailored methods that counter common mistakes even senior instructors make.
  • Including seminar footage with in-depth lectures that drive holistic understanding.
  • PLUS: The Japanese-Level Taisabaki eBook containing the 6 key methods you now carry in your pocket 24/7. You can start reading and training 1 minute from now if you click the button and grab this offer.

Got it? Let's sum them up shall we...

Here's what you get (the summary)


  • IDO KIHON PRO €97 — Enjoy secrets beyond "twist your hip" so you can execute the official basics properly.
  • MASTERING SHIYOBUI €97 — Expand your arsenal with techniques like Hiraken, Koken and Shishu that turn you into a true traditional Karateka — Ippon Kumite included.
  • ULTIMATE UKE WAZA €97 — Turn your Kamae into a fortress and turn your blocks into attacks — you'll always be one step ahead of your opponent.
  • KEYS TO CRISP KATA €197 — Discover the below-the-surface keys to perform crisp kata and execute effective applications so your techniques become sharper in no-time
  • ADVANCED WADO KUMITE €197 — Kihon Kumite, Kumite Gata, Tanto Dori, Idori... it's all there.
  • THE JOURNEY TO HENKA WAZA €97 — Create freedom of movement through Ohyo Kumite and never-before-revealed Henka Waza.
  • THE KARATE CLASS COLLECTION €197 — Secure your private training with 30+ designed-to-follow-along classes where you discover effective methods to boost your skill.
  • MASTERING MEOTODE €197 — Bring your static blocks to life and forge short range skills like one-inch punching and trapping in the process.
  • TEACHING FOR MARTIAL ARTS €997 — Discover skills professional teachers use to let their classess run smoothly.
  • MOBILITY FOR MARTIAL ARTS €197 — Away with your stiffness, so you can execute techniques without feeling restricted by your own body.
  • JAPANESE LEVEL TAISABAKI not sold seperately Simply the most effective methods I teach 1-on-1 that even boosts senior instructors' skills.
  • THE KOBUDO CURRICULUM €197 — Sai, Nunchaku, Tonfa and Bo: Kihon, Kata and Kumite: deepen your budo techniques and spice up your training.
  • *ACCESS TO ELITE MASTERCLASSES €37/m — Enjoy prepared-to-da-bone masterclasses that leave even 5th Dans stunned.
  • ACCESS TO THE ELITE COMMUNITY — Just in case you can't get enough... Thought provoking ideas, interesting lectures, AND the place to drop your question to AJ in the Q&A.

*The Elite works like a subscription to a magazine, so join now to not miss out on the next masterclass.

REGULAR PRICING: €2.567,- + 37/m


67 euro FREE now
17/m after 30 days

*vat from your country may be applied

No more doubts 👌

Jean-Paul 🇧🇪 

5th Dan

Invaluable asset 🙏

Roy 🇳🇴

1st Dan

Informative & fun 😃

Chris 🇬🇧 

4th Dan

Why you should join...

  1. You won't find this on Youtube (what you'll find may be nice for entertainment, but not to get rid of bad habits, improve your skill and break through your plateau).
  2. There's no other resource like this on the planet that's this organised and provides high-level insights, combining text, images and videos to help you grasp it faster. 
  3. It's no-nonsense actionable stuff. "Use your Hara" sounds cool, but still you don't know what to do. Inside The Elite the internal level skills are explained in simple terms AND made actionable — so you can physically execute it and improve your skill.

Still you might be thinking... why join AJ on his journey?

Let me answer your question:

My name is AJ van Dijk, dedicated to Martial Arts since 1996. I've studied tirelessly under and taught alongside Ishikawa, Nukina, Sakagami, May and Yokoyama sensei — among the best in Wadokai Karate and Okinawan Kobudo. 

Thanks to them, I published several books such as Wado No Michi, Kata Applications & Analysis and The Wadokai Special.

I also scripted, directed and shot THOUSANDS of videos.

Shooting for the 2-disc DVD "Wadokai Karate Curriculum" that eventually transformed into The Digi Dojo.

Photoshoot for Yokoyama Kancho's "Principles of Karate".

Projects like these allowed me to work closely together with top instructors that taught me a lot along the way.

Thanks to The Digi Dojo, I'm in the unique position to share this knowlegde with you directly. 

Assisting Yokoyama Kancho for his DVD, shot in Japan 2017.

I’ve guided senior instructors throughout Europe in person through seminars and private training. 

Using effective keypoint-based explanations and tailored training methods, they managed to get to the next level and improve techniques they had been working on for decades.

And it’s exactly these teachings that you get inside The Elite. Full access to Pro & Elite courses including future updates, Upcoming Masterclasses & recordings for FREE for a whole week. Then just 17 euro a month. Only now, because you got your Wado Masters Ticket.

do you still have questions? 

The Elite Subscription gives you access to Online courses, Live Masterclasses and support inside our private community.

Still... you may be wondering:

Q — So joining The Elite is really free?
A — Yes. Normally, the 67 euro is your investment to testdrive The Elite. After 30 days, your membership is only 17 euro per month. In other words, if you cancel before the end of your trial you won't be rebilled. NOW: you testdrive The Elite for FREE. After 30 days, your 17 euro per month membership starts.

Q — When I cancel, do I lose access to previous purchases?
A — No. You always keep access to seperate purchases. You can even make a lifetime purchase of a course when you're Elite. If you cancel Elite, you'll still have lifetime access to the course you got seperately. It's like when you have 2 products and do away with one, you still have the other.

Q — 17 euro per month seems way too low. Is there a catch?
A — I hear you. When you join you even have instant access to the teachers course. And an online masterclass ticket + recording alone is 54 euro... You can join The Elite for like 50 cents per day, with NO catch. The price is low because I don't want it to stand in your way. 37/m is totally justified, but on top of the membership of your local Dojo I understand it can be too much. That's why it's just 17 euro.

Q — Do I get access to everything right away?
A — Yes. All Pro and Elite courses and bonuses are unlocked the second you jump on board. 

Q — When are the Live Classes?
A — Masterclasses are usually on Saturday and Sunday. Return Days are scheduled in the evening on weekdays. One thing for sure: we'll look for find times that suit most, and ideally all Elite members. If you can't make it, you can access the recording.

Q — Can I access all previous masterclass recordings?
A — Think of your membership as an old-fashion magazine subscription. When you subscribe, you get every next issue. But they won't deliver all past issues to your mailbox. You can't access previous ones, but you're still in time to secure the next Masterclass & recording. Here's what it looks like: fully edited videos including chapters so you can quickly find what you're looking for. Community uploads are stored here too 👇

Q — Are contents updated?
A — Absolutely. And often based on your specific needs too. It happens a lot that a member asks a question during the Q&A, that leads to a new featured article and videoseries.

Q — Can I ask questions to AJ directly?
A — You can drop a comment inside a course and in the community. During the online masterclasses there is always room during training for quick questions related to class. If you're looking for individual mentorship, check "Whatsapp Coaching" and "Private Zoom Classes".

Here's how Elite's reacted inside the community after getting their text and video answers to their questions 👌

Q — I am not in JKF-Wadokai. Is this for me?
A — Yes. It's even for you if you practise Tang Soo Do and other related arts. Although most is based on Wadokai, it contains universal fundamentals: gravity is true for anyone. That said, if you're looking for pure style stuff and you do Shotokan, don't join The Elite. If you want to study Karate more deeply, this is the place.

Q — Can I learn a new Kata through the Masterclasses?
A — The classes are designed as MASTERclass seminars. You're expected to already know the sequence of the Kata. We don't focus on what the movement is, but HOW to execute it. You get key points and methods to add to your toolbox, so you can practise with confidence.

Q — There's plenty on Youtube, why should I get this?
A — There's plenty on Youtube, but it's not coherent and designed to help you. Youtube can be a great source of entertainment, but if you're looking for keys and methods that help you progress your Karate this is the place. Has Youtube helped you so far? 

Q — I don't think I have enough time to watch everything, should I get this?
A — You don't have to watch everything. It's not like a traditional VHS or DVD where you're entertained from start to finish. Simply pick the topic you want to work and go to the article or video that you need for your training tomorrow. 
