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Discover Fundamental Keys Of Advanced Wado Kumite That Take Your skill From Average To Excellent

Do you want to discover the ins and outs of Kihon Kumite, Kumite Gata, Tanto Dori and Idori?

Are you struggling to memorise the details of all moves?

Or worse: get confused about the correct way after seeing the endless amount of variations?

Especially if you're in the game for over a decade, you've seen top instructors at seminars or on video...

...only to find out that even they do techniques differently.


❌ Incorrect form...

❌ Lacking power... 

❌ Wrong timing...

❌ Incorrect distance... 

❌ Slow movement...

❌ Mistakes...

❌ Doubts...


What would it mean for you to execute Wado's Advanced Kumite with confidence?

To the level that even if Ohtsuka sensei would watch, you wouldn't flinch for a second?

Even this: you would walk up to Ohtsuka and ask if you can show your techniques. Thát confident.

What would it mean if you could...

✅ Practise without doubts if you're doing it right? Simply to enjoy.

✅ Without looking at your legs if your stance is correct? Being in the moment.

✅ Without wondering if your sensei thinks it's good or not? Feeling truly confident.

✅ With ability to demonstrate, discuss and teach Advanced Wado Kumite with grandmasters. In complete euphoria.

It's possible.

On this page, you'll discover the 2 missing pieces that prevented me from skyrocketing my skills — even studying under Japanese instructors.

Plus: how to master them. So keep reading.

FROM: AJ van Dijk — Chief Instructor Karate & Kobudo, Founder of The Digi Dojo

SUBJECT: How to master Wado's Advanced Kumite intellectually and physically to the level that you leave any examinar in awe.

Dear Wado Karate enthusiast,

For years I've struggled executing Wado's pairwork like Kihon Kumite and Kumite Gata properly. 

Especially creating speed and power while at the same time controlling my opponent and keeping my balance with perfect timing. Ready-to-push-a-car stable — able to use my body weight, plus move anywhere at the same time:

The stuff examinars look at. And what makes you happy when you feel the perfectness of your move.

It felt OK-ish, but looking in the mirror I had to be honest:

❌ My punch had power in a forward stance, but not during Taisabaki — the sophisticated body twist.

❌ My legs were dragging 

❌ And my twist insufficient

As it turns out, my focus was on the wrong things. And I didn't realise it until I accidentally stumbled upon the answer that changed everything... 

Inside Advanced Wado Kumite you discover the things that work: key points that create correct movement.

  • From stepping with your foot, to moving with your body...
  • From positioning your arms, to controlling your opponent with automatic heavy arms and ability to strike hard...
  • From a two-move step outside and twist, to harmonising your whole body to move, twist, block and strike at the same time — in ONE move. 

I'll share several examples with you on this page that you can apply to your training right away. 

But first, let's make sure this is for you:

Do you want to improve your...

  • Kihon Kumite
  • Kumite Gata
  • Tanto Dori 
  • and Idori 

...beyond form?

Especially discover principles down to how-to instead of what, so you know what to physically pay attention to?

And by the way: You also want to hear this if you're looking to achieve peak performance leaving your sensei in awe — examinars included.

With Advanced Wado Kumite you have access to in-depth stuff and actionable key points that took me 20 years under Japanese supervision, brought to you in bite-size chuncks with easy to understand explanations... you can enjoy uninterrupted practise, confidently demonstrate, teach correctly... even discuss techiques and principles with your instructor on equal level.

Because what if you can...

  • Discover details of every move from Wado's advanced Kumite to the level that your Dojo mates and instructors come to you for advice.
  • Understand Wado's principles deeply as if you see the beauty of Wado through Ohtsuka's eyes — it's astonishing when you realise how the 3 Wado Trinities come together.
  • Know how to execute Wado's traditional pairwork correctly — and what to completely ignore so you stop developing bad habits. And no surprises next year that what you've learned is "not the right way".


Access to Advanced Wado Kumite exceeded my expectations. I have been on many seminars, but there's too much that will be forgotten, so now I use The Digi Dojo to study and check the different forms.

MARTIN STRÖM  //  3rd Dan Wadokai

Sounds perfect, right?

Why is it then, that most Karateka have no clue how this works?

In fact: I used to run in circles even though I studied under Ishikawa sensei. My Karate life was like that until I discovered what I completely overlooked.

Page 497 from my book "Wado No Michi" with Ishikawa left performing Shumoku Dori

When I saw a glimpse of how it works by accident, I was determined to figure this out completely. And I did.

So how does this sound?

Detailed yet easy-to-understand instructions you can apply to your training straight away. Beyond "step left" or "twist your hip" so you can work on understanding and executing deeper layers of Wado's Advanced Kumite. 

Hi 👋 

I’m AJ, founder of The-Digi-Dojo, Chief Instructor for Wadokai Holland and Kenshinkai Kobudo Europe. 

Over the last 25 years, I've studied and practised tirelessly under Japanese instruction. Hungry to dig deeper into Wado's Advanced Kumite so I could deepen my knowledge and sharpen my skills.

With Sakagami sensei demonstrating applications of Irimi (entering) from Kihon Kumite 7

Teaching key points of how to absorb with Taisabaki in Kihon Kumite 1 — Nukina, AJ

I want to be able to do what I explain, so there's no gap between my theoretical knowledge and physical ability.

That's why I'm on it 24/7 to turn Budo concepts and principles into actionable key points you can execute — so your movement embodies the principle.

In other words:

How you combine in-depth theory with how-to-apply knowledge.

It took me years to figure it out, even under Japanese supervision... but there's good news:

😃 You can skip my trial and error

😃 Get the knowledge through brutally clear explanations

😃 Delivered in bite-size chunks inside Advanced Wado Kumite.

Here's the first missing piece that prevented me from skyrocketing my skills👇

my 2006 talk with Nukina sensei that changed everything

Discussing our favorite subject at FEW European Championships in Italy 2012 — Nukina, AJ, Sakagami


2 days in at Summer Camp 2006, Nukina and myself walked back to our cottages with only 1 thing to talk about: Karate.

He showed Tanto Dori,but  not how I was used to. Worse, I thought at the time.

Starting the discussion I was convinced I was right. 100%. But...

He left me speechless. With 1 sentence.

Tanto Dori "ZUDORI" from a photoshoot back in 2009 with Hiroki Ishikawa

"You have to connect your movement".

Instantly everything made sense. He not only connected his movement, but my dots too.

Without context and demonstration that may not mean much, but it was a gamechanger:

✅ From stepping with your foot, to moving with your body.

Step with your foot and twist = two moves. Connect them and they become one.

It turns out that HOW you connect your movement, works for all techniques — like killing 2 10 birds with 1 stone.

Positioning your elbow correctly in Kihon Kumite is one of them (not the position, but HOW you position) 👇

Teaching Kihon Kumite in Germany, 2018

Discover fundamental skills that connect your movement so...

  • Wado's traditional pairwork suddenly feels easier and doable (feel truly confident in front of class, no matter who's is watching you)
  • Complicated foot movement becomes a walk in the park — automatically, so your timing can be worldclass
  • Forget about frustration and feeling unsatisfied so you can enjoy Wado's subtle moves to the max.

Ishikawa sensei famously said:

"Little things make lot of different".

That's the official one with broken Japanese-English, haha. But seriously: SOME details are the difference between white and black belt. Others...? Not so much.

You want to move smoothly at the right time, landing in a stable stance with sharp and effective techniques so you can control your opponents attack — even if he's a big guy.

To do that — and more — you need to know which details are important.

the other missing piece that puts your progress on hold (but not for long)

You don't want to waste time on meaningless stuff you can discuss about for hours...

...but don't help you for a second. 

For example, Kihon Kumite's first move:

I used to focus on "details" of Nagashi Soto Uke (the parry outside "block"). It created a slow, arm-only move. Reasonable for form. Useless in reality.

You want to focus on details that create whole body movement. Keys that connect your movement and make everything fall into place.

That's why I mentioned the position of the elbow earlier.

Do you still raise your elbow above shoulder level? 

I hate to break it to you but... It's not good.

Edited screenshot from the first video on YT I could find

Not because "my organisation doesn't do it this way". That's like saying "my shirt is red", which isn't an argument or reason to wear a red over a white shirt.

It's fundamental:

The red arrow represents the direction of the elbow.

Yes, his arm is bent so the fist pulled, but it's seperate from the movement and does nothing in terms of controlling the opponent.

More importantly: It doesn't follow the direction of energy.

Uke ("attacker") moves forward and punches forward. All his energy is coming to you. 

That's why you, Tori ("defender"), should connect rotational energy to the direction. 

You and your opponent should execute along the green lines so you can harmonise completely. With your own body, and each others.

You want to feel connected and strong, without relying on big muscles. 

How you feel centered isn't about positioning your elbow — it's how you use it.

So even if your elbow is positioned correctly, you can still have an energy mismatch. And your shoulder can still disconnect from your body.

If you understand the direction of energy and how your body works, you can apply it INSTANTLY to all your advanced Kumite. Even to your Kihon and Kata...

Not knowing how to apply this to every movement held me back for years.

How I know for sure?

Before Nukina made my lightbulb go off, my skills were on a lower level, but I couldn't see it...

I thought I did it right because hey: I didn't get hit. And my form looked ok.

Kinda-like you think you can drive a car when you walk out of city hall with your 1-minute-old drivers licence in your hands.

That's what my Kihon Kumite looked like if my opponent attacked for real instead of follow the form...

No surprise there: I was wrong.

 The problem is worse: it goes unnoticed. 

It's like you're driving off the road, but the road is moving along so it seems you're driving in a perfectly straight line.

❌ Bit by bit you're correcting your opponent's mistakes...

❌ Gradually you come to think you're quite good at Kihon Kumite...

❌ ...only to painfully find out you're not when you do it with a random guy you meet at a seminar.

😕 Or when a high-ranking instructors gives it to you straight:


When I first met AJ, he could be seen as a big-headed maniac, whose techniques had not caught up with his abundant knowledge, a fact which he tried to cover up with theories. But now... (story continues below)

NOBUYUKI NUKINA  //  6th Dan Wadokai

Been there and done that 😅

So don't worry: you're not alone. Plus, having taught internationally to thousands of students, I've seen this over and over.

And as you see, I used to be one of them. But  I managed to turn that around. .

For most Wadoka it's about the unknown unknowns. You know: the stuff you don't realise you don't know.

❌ It's why Kids think they "know" Pinan Sandan...

❌ ...but also why seniors don't go to a Kihon Kumite seminar to discover more. Because they think they already know Kihon Kumite...

You need to add Ohyo or Henka Waza to the poster to trigger them, while the real gems are inside the official forms. It's what creates the special techniques.

Anyway — I progressed and got better movement, but something was off. One look at a good Japanese instructor was enough see I was not even close to their level...

The weird thing was,  when I checked: 

  • Their arm made the same move 🤔 
  • Their stance was identical (or so I thought) 🤔 
  • And their steps were the same too 🤔 

It's the very reason you think you know it, so you don't know you don't know...

What was I missing?

The details I focused on didn't help me — I needed to discover my knowledge gap, or accept that this was the best I could do (no way I'm picking that one).

  • The gap was not about how many degrees your arm should be bent...
  • And also not about things like preparing Gedan Barai in front of your collar bone or solar plexus...
  • Or to step sideways or more in an angle, or even positioning your foot differently so you avoid pivoting (some people emphasise this for Kihon Kumite 1's second move, which is solving a problem by creating another).

Like dropping a stone in water, it's predetermined where the ripples go.

Nukina's "connect your movement" is exactly the same: 

A chain of events happening inside your own body. 

One following another — that's what using your whole body is about. How you create harmony. Quality movement.

The good news? Physically speaking it's a lot easier than you think. 

Teaching for Wadokai Belgium

So when I realised how it works and what to physically focus on...

That was the turning point 🔥 

I added Nukina sensei's methods and focused on connecting my movement.

The result?

after: "enlighten the way to improve your karate"

...through many gasshuku, practices, conversations, e-mails and chats, AJ evolved into a karateka with techniques and knowledge that few in Europe possess. This will without doubt enlighten the way to improve your karate.

NOBUYUKI NUKINA  //  6th Dan Wadokai

You see, I'm on it ever since. So I had to know:

  • What exactly are the principles beyond an obvious one like Nagasu?
  • How do you physically apply them?
  • And how can I perfect Advanced Wado Kumite when there's only 24 hours in a day?

Let me tell you:

The answer to all questions is the same ➡️ Fundamental Key Points.

A fundamental key point is a point of focus that emerges from core principles. It's what applies to ALL techniques.

But more on that in a sec...

...because the reason I was NOT able to figure this out by myself, may very well be the reason YOUR skill is lightyears away from where you can be.

And you probably don't even realise it:

The hidden problem — Do You Have It Too?

If time travel was possible, I would like to talk to Ohtsuka sensei. Discuss Wado in depth and pick his brain.

You would think in any scenario, this will help your Karate.

Not so.

Verbal instruction can unfortuntely do more harm than good.

Meaning: you need EXTREMELY precise verbal instruction or things go south. Fast.

Enjoying lectures from Yokoyama Kancho (Shorin Ryu) at my old house

Here's the thing: I say black. You think black. I say red, you desperately try to think of another color, but in the back of your head you still hear it:


I say left foot... 

See the point? If you're not as precise as Van Gogh painting every single line as if it was his last...

...verbal instruction derails you faster than a topspeed Shinkansen that can't make the turn.

What you want is simple:

Execute Wado's advanced Kumite correctly. Kihon Kumite, Kumite Gata, Tanto Dori, Idori...

Each and every move. 

You want to know what grandmasters focus on, plus understand the theory behind it so you:

  • Feel proud and satisfied when you see your instructor smile when your technique is sharper than ever...
  • Enjoy eureka moments over and over when your body does what you want as you connect your movement without breaking a sweat...
  • Confidently demonstrate your movement leaving others wonder how you made it look that easy...

That's when your training is ideal ❤️ 

But what happens?

Still, you can't perform the techniques as well as you would like. 

I know: perfect doesn't exist, but I'm not talking about the obvious...

It's not like you don't practise enough. It's not the amount of years of training. Or your frequency.

And technically — you know a thing or two.

so what prevents you from executing Wado's advanced movement properly?

  • Your movement is not connected enough because you don't have access to key points that create connected movement.
  • Your skills are stand-alone like, so you have to memorise details of every individual movement instead of focusing on the fundamental that affects all techniques
  • You run around in circles by changing your form every time an instructors teaches "the right way" — stop the madness of using another stance, or executing a wrist lock a different way.

Move away from quantity. You want quality.

Aren't you tired of feeling doubtful whether you're doing it correctly or not?

I mean, which way is the right way?


Advanced Wado Kumite is exactly what I hoped for. I wish I had this information at my fingertips when I first started my karate journey. Even now after 20 years of practicing karate, this continues my learning and understanding of Wado.

RYAN GALEOZZI  //  4th Dan Wado - UK

Both are Kihon Kumite 5. Both are good.

Of course, Suzuki sensei does it this way, and JKF-Wadokai does it the other way. But like Takagi sensei said: "both are good".

It doesn't mean every variation is good — techniques have to meet certain requirements.

I thought I understood the principles, but when I saw differences like these... I simply didn't know what to think 🤷‍♂️ 

Probably you could do the same as me: describe the movement, and say "this is how we do it", or "this is the original". 

That's not a fundamental explanation. 

You want to understand fundamentally so you can:

  • Put your mind at ease and feel confident of what you do 
  • Fill in the gaps yourself (no need to learn another "detail" by travelling to Japan, or feel you're missing out if you don't)
  • Emphasise quality of techniques (instead of treating every move individually)

How many variations have you seen throughout the years? 

And how often did that fascinate you... before it drove you nuts?

😕 Did they change it?

😕 Have you learned it wrong?

😕 What is the correct way?

The simple fact is this:

You have to connect your movement focused on fundamentals.

Kihon Kumite 5's Jujutsu technique contains:

  • Axis rotation
  • Joint manipulation
  • In combination so you control and take him down through (you guessed it) connecting your movement.

When you understand how it works, it's easy to transition:

The official version is shown picture, controlling the top of the head and chin. The GIF is a variation where you grab behind the neck and control his arm at his elbow to take him down.

The fundamentals are identical.

For the sake of this page, it's a small difference so you can see it easily. Practically, it may not look-a-like at all. 

That's why you feel Wado has so many different techniques. Fundamentally, there's only a few.

What if I told you there's a way to:

👍 Discover Wado's fundamental principles...

👍 While knowing the ins and outs of how to physically execute them (aka: the details of all moves)...

👍 So your practise becomes more effective.


Practise Kihon Kumite, Kumite Gata etcetera limited to what you know VS with the knowledge and key points from the course. What do you want your body to hardwire?

That's where "Advanced Wado Kumite" comes in:

All based on my 20+ years of international level Martial Arts experience — studying under Japanese supervision. You simply login to the online course area to find what you need fast.


I can see me using this for many years to come my friend, A FANTASTIC PIECE OF WORK which you should be very proud of. And from someone who's trained solely wado since the mid 80's under some excellent Sensei's especially Sakagami Sensei for the last 21 years I thank you for all your hard work.

GRAHAME MORGAN  //  4th Dan, Chief Instructor CYMRU /Wales

here's what inside "advanced wado kumite"

introduction and analysis of wado kumite principles

— Value €297,-

Inside the course you'll discover analysis on fundamental principles such as Ko Bo Ittai, Maai and Kiai, Mazakai, and many more. They're explained in simple terms so you can get the inner dynamics of Wado Kumite — nothing abstract or cryptic that you can't use.

First, let's highlight 1 thing from every topic inside "introduction and analysis of Kihon Kumite".

  • How "Junanshin" is the difference between form and alive Kata through the mindset of Torimi and Ukemi (attacker and defender don't exist in Wado).
  • The 3 ways how to practically apply "Ko Bo Ittai" — Wado's direct connection to our Koryu Jujutsu and swordsmanship heritage.
  • How simple bowing turns into the cornerstone of your practise so Budo turns into full-circle understanding — woven into the fabric of your being.
  • How to take left stance careful but vigilently while projecting your centerline (it's how you make your opponent feel there's no way to get close to you)
  • How to master distance with the "one inch method" so you're one step ahead of your opponent no matter his rank or size.
  • The only way to increase Maai and finish Kumite that meets all budo logic.
  • The 3 elements of Kamae that allow you to control your opponent without touching him.
  • Finally — the fundamental answer to using Shiko or Seishan Dachi for Nagashi Uke and why both are ok (but one is more efficient).
  • The physical key to "move with your whole body" that brings you closer to mastery than any other thing you'll discover in the course — this revelation is worth access alone.

kihon kumite 1 - 10
— Value €997,-

If you're fed up with the "left foot here, right foot there, twist hip" explanation you came to the right place.

Instead of 1: work on the from, 2: improve inside the form, you now ONLY focus on enhancing quality movement through key points that work with laserlike precision. This in turn will produce a beautiful and well-executed form that's effective at the same time.

Here's a list of painting-the-future consequences of what you discover in the articles, videos and ebooks for each Kihon Kumite — starting with the gem from number 1:

  • Why Kihon Kumite 1's Taisabaki is NOT a hip twist and what to do instead so your movement can finally look like your favorite Japanese instructor.
  • How Seichusen and Projection of Seichusen combined with "delaying your arm" creates the most powerful and sharp execution of Kihon Kumite 2
  • Analysis of the 3 major differences of Kihon Kumite 3 so you understand them fundamentally and never lose sleep over it again (so you know which one to practise correctly)
  • Revealed: the effect of the attacker taking left stance in Kihon Kumite 4 and how you should change Nagashi Uke (it's not the same as KK 1, 2 and 3)
  • How to effectively drop into stance while using "Suikomi Skills" to control the distance and manipulate your opponents posture.
  • Pull this off and examinars with a keen eye will applaud you for displaying "Alive-Kata Skills" that even senior instructors are missing in their Kihon Kumite 6 performance.
  • Use this golden-ticket key point to move AND strike with your whole body applying Nagasu and Irimi at the same time — so you don't step outside, telegraph, screw up your timing and lessen the impact of your strike.
  • Revealed: How to create a whole-body-behind-the-blow Ipponken in Kihon Kumite 8 (this skill is quite unknown, while it should be the cornerstone of ALL your techniques).
  • How to wrap your arm around the attack like a snake catching it's prey, so you take total control over your opponent and setup your counterstrike (who said Wado is a soft style?)
  • Discover Othsuka's secret one-inch-punch skill he buillt into Kihon Kumite 10, forcing a jaw-dropping wow effect in the minds of whoever attacks you — where do you get that power from, while you seemingly do nothing?

kumite gata 1 - 10

— Value €997,-

Kumite Gata drives true understanding of Wado Kumite. You get the ingredients to master the unparalled flow of Kumite Gata. Plus how to control your opponent to a high degree of finesse. Effective short-range striking included.

Kumite Gata is like Kihon Kumite 2.0. So if you're ready to step up your game and study Ohtsuka sensei's applications...

I highlighted 1 thing for each form that you'll discover inside the course. So yes... there's much more than this 👇

  • Discover Wado's sticky-hand skill so you can control your opponent from start to end — even before he  finishes his attack (you smile throughout the Kata while he feels it's useless to even try to punch, good times)
  • How to move from the outside to the inside using "stick and coil" so you can move freely while controlling your opponent at the same time.
  • Optimise your body movement with "The Squeezing Line" method that creates Kuzushi automatically so your focus goes to striking decisively (and leaves room for Hiden Waza).
  • Enjoy perfect positioning and power-output control with "The Sectioning Method" so you can block softly, strike hard and take stance correctly all at once — like a DJ mixing tracks flawlessly.
  • How to machine-gun attack your opponent while switching stance and moving from the outside to the inside plus apply Kuzushi... all while he doesn't get an inch of room to counterattack (and that's down to 1 key point in Kumite Gata 5)
  • How to minimise effort while generating more power with "Chain Action Principle" you discover in Kumite Gata 6.
  • Level-Up your Irimi dynamics with Kumite Gata 7 that unlocks "entering freedom" so you can move in with confidence even if your opponent attacks viciously.
  • How to attack hard-to-reach targets by blending techniques like Shuto and Shotei so you can increase versatility without the need to memorise, condition and hardwire many forms.
  • Minimise lag time and speed up your counterattack by Kumite Gata 9's Harai Uke (this is how Kihon Kumite and Kumite Gata are different and how you can apply it)
  • Revealed: the key that stunns your opponent and leaves him feeling overwhelmed so you can take Wado's Noru to the next level.

7 Tanto Dori
— Value €497,-

The 7 Tanto Dori contain inner workings of Kansetsu Waza, Kuzushi, Nage Waza and projection of Seichusen that allows you to control and takedown your opponent without need for excessive physical strength or raw power — it works against muscular dudes too.

Inside "Advanced Wado Kumite" you'll find the 7 traditional Tanto Dori: 

  1. Ude Garami Dori
  2. Kote Nage Dori
  3. Hiki Tate Dori
  4. Zu Dori
  5. Eri Nage Dori
  6. Unga Dori 
  7. Hiki Otoshi Dori

Login to the online course to discover:

  • The biggest mistake people make when it comes to an overhead attack that will cost your life no matter how many hours you spent in the Dojo (only luck will save you) — plus solution.
  • How to grab the opponent correctly so you're always one step ahead of him (whatever he does to fight back, you have a variation of Kote Nage Dori ready).
  • The number 1 key to start the arm lock in Hiki Tate Dori (he can't escape from this one) 
  • Forge rock-solid neck manipulation through fundamentals and variations of Zu Dori so you can practise dangerous techniques with full confidence.
  • Discover how to execute and verify every-inch-matters key alignment with feedback experiments so you can fix your misalignment on the spot (this is how you don't need muscular force to overcome your opponent)
  • How to use "Finger Placement" to split-second lock-in your opponents position to setup your counterstrike — he'll react when it's too late...
  • "The Returning Wave Principle" reveals how to nullify your opponents Hikite so stabbing again equals getting hit in the face — this is how you harmonise with your opponent, even in Tanto Dori

7 idori

— Value €497,-

Finally, you get 7 Classical Idori with keys of connected body movement that allow you to overcome the opponent even if he resists (no chance you'll be embarrased when that big guy takes hold of you).

Discover these 7 traditional Koryu Jujutsu techniques:

  1. Te Dori
  2. Zu Dori
  3. Ashi Dori
  4. Hiki Dori
  5. Hiji Kansetsu Dori
  6. Gozen Dori
  7. Shumoku Dori

Here's 1 thing from each Kata that you'll master soon:

  • Hip-Movement Methods of Idori that finally reveal HOW you can move effectively. And strike hard — even if it's from a seated position.
  • Combine proper "Wrist and Elbow Dynamics" you discover inside Te Dori so you can break free even if the strongest guy from your Dojo takes hold of you.
  • How to execute "Spine Manipulation" so you can control and throw your opponent without needing power to overcome a big opponent.
  • Create variations just as good as the traditional Kata through "Dynamic Energy Direction" developing ability to react to any change (if your opponent does something funny, you instantly adapt to stay in control.
  • Easily control your opponent with the "Secret of Sankaku" so you can execute techniques that are difficult or impossible to resist.
  • Trigger natural, involuntary reactions from your opponent using "Dead-End Techniques" so you can joint-lock and throw him with ease (it's the cornerstone of Jujutsu techniques that takes your skill next level).
  • How to apply stuctural control the instant you seize your opponent — it's how he feels hopeless to even try to counter your movement.
  • Discover the one and only official Sutemi Waza from Wado Ryu, including Henka Waza so you can complete your study of traditional techniques.
  • Ura Waza & Ohyo Henka that show the final stages of training turning form into function. It's the gateway to moving freely so you can adjust your movement to the opponent easily

Summarising, inside "Advanced Wado Kumite" you'll find instuctional videos, in-depth explanations and actionable key points from fundamentals to variations of movement. You'll know how to execute Wado's pairwork properly and improve your skill drastically. Remember?

  • 10 Kihon Kumite
  • 10 Kumite Gata
  • 7 Tanto Dori
  • 7 Idori

total value so far: €2.988,-

and there's more!


get 3 bonuses for FREE if you decide now (€794 value)


"Wado No Michi eBooks"

VALUE €297,-

Digital copies of the sold-out bestseller "Wado No Michi" are all yours. 


"Kihon Kumite ohyo"

VALUE €497,-

Kihon Kumite are Omote Kata that embody principles of the style. It's hard to see how to apply these static techniques. "Kihon Kumite Ohyo" introduces you to 10 applications of Kihon Kumite — extentions of the original that explore principles and possibilities. This is especially interesting (indispensible really) for seasoned Wadoka that are familiar with the regular forms.

*Extra bonus: eBook feat Sakagami & Nukina sensei with Sakagami's Kihon Kumite 1-5 Ohyo.


"The Seminar section"


The Seminar Section is my "harddrive dump" where I share tons of stuff covered at our seminars. 

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"Advanced Wado Kumite"

who this is for — and who is this NOT for?

Advanced Wado Kumite is ideal for Karate that practise Wado — regardless of affiliation. It's also interesting for other stylists as you can easily adopt movement and adjust to your style.

  • It's for beginners that fell in love with Karate and want to move fast.
  • It's for experienced Karateka that start to learn Kihon Kumite and want to do it right from the beginning (instead of having to get rid of bad habits you developed over time).
  • It's for advanced practitioners, assistants and senior instructors that want to deepen their knowledge and skill.

Meticulously tested key points and forms from a direct line to Ohtsuka sensei...

...These techniques work 100% of the time for 100% of the Karateka that start using them 100% 👊 

 WARNING: if you think "I'll go through the course and take my next grading", you better stop reading.

Eversince I started my Karate studies and training, as Peter may sensei said, I never rest of my laurels. All my heart and knowledge is poured in this course, so you too can enjoy the depth I discovered through research and hard training under Japanese instruction.

Grading is good for motivation as you can set and reach a goal. And I could not be pleased more if it helps you to pass your grading. It will, without doubt, but...

I didn't create this course for "belt-hungry" people. It's for those who love Wado.

why get mY course?

In short...

  1. You won't find this on Youtube (what you'll find may be nice for entertainment, but not to get rid of bad habits, improve your skill and break through your plateau).
  2. There's no other resource like this on the planet that's this organised and provides high-level insights, combining text, images and videos to help you grasp it faster. 
  3. It's no nonsense actionable stuff. "Use your Hara" sounds cool, but still you don't know what to do. In this course even the internal level skills are explained in simple terms AND made actionable — so you can physically execute it and improve your skill.

Still you might be thinking... why should you take my course? 

Let me answer your question:

My name is AJ van Dijk, dedicated to Martial Arts since 1996. I've studied tirelessly under and taught alongside Ishikawa, Nukina, Sakagami, May and Yokoyama sensei — among the best in Wadokai Karate and Okinawan Kobudo. 

Thanks to them, I published several books such as Wado No Michi, Kata Applications & Analysis and The Wadokai Special.

I also scripted, directed and shot THOUSANDS of videos.

Shooting for the 2-disc DVD "Wadokai Karate Curriculum" that eventually transformed into The Digi Dojo.

Photoshoot for Yokoyama Kancho's "Principles of Karate".

Projects like these allowed me to work closely together with top instructors that taught me a lot along the way.

Thanks to The Digi Dojo, I'm in the unique position to share this knowlegde with you directly. 

Assisting Yokoyama Kancho for his DVD, shot in Japan 2017.

I’ve guided senior instructors throughout Europe in person through seminars and private training. 

Using effective keypoint-based explanations and tailored training methods, they managed to get to the next level and improve techniques they had been working on for decades.

And it’s exactly these teachings that you get inside Advanced Wado Kumite. Lifetime access, including future updates, for just 197 37 euro. Only now, because you got your first-ever Budo Masters Ticket.

It's the accumulation of all my years of study and research — neatly explained through articles and videos so you have access to eleborated Japanese level instruction too.

Advance your Wado Kumite with unshakeable samurai-like confidence!

It's simple. If you take the course and apply the techniques you WILL see results. 100% Guaranteed. 

So if you don't, simply send me a video within 30 days of your training so I can see it doesn't work for you. When I see you do the training properly and it really doesn't work, I'll refund your investment the very same day.

Discover Wado's deepest skills with zero risk thanks to our 30 day board-breaking guarantee!

do you still have questions? 

Here's an answer list to the most common questions that I get about the course:

Q — Is this for beginners or advanced Karateka?
A — Both. Although it's deeply detailed, it's your next best to learn the form if your instructor isn't around. Advanced Karateka find themselves improving skills that have been roughly the same for years (sometimes decades).

Q — This course is huge... how long will it take to get through it?
A — This course is not a "start here" type. See this as an interactive book with complementary videos. You can study all Kumite Gata, but also lookup details and key points of Kihon Kumite 8 if that's what you're working on.

Q — Are there hidden or recurring fees?
A — No. Even though you're getting all future updates for free — It's a one-time investment: You get lifetime access. As long as The Digi Dojo is around, you can access the course. Future updates included. Odds of me quitting Karate as as rare as... well. Let's just say that Sakagami sensei said to me: "I love Martial Arts, but you... you're crazy". He said that in a good way 😃

Q — How do I get access?
A — The Digi Dojo uses top-notch software to deliver the contents of the course. Once your investment comes through, your account is automatically created. Login credentials are sent to your inbox right away.

Q — Do I get access to everything right away?
A — Yes! The full course is unlocked the second you jump on board. 

join now!

If you want to access in-depth knowledge and skills of Wado Kumite and improve your techniques fast... You need brutally clear explanations with keys you can apply — with a direct line to the source.

Regardsless of your affiliation or skill: with "Advanced Wado Kumite" you simply get access to the jewels of our system. 

From now on, practise without doubts on the stuff that matters. It's what the grandmasters focus on too.

Join now 👊 

PS: Improve your Wado? Connect your movement fundamentally. You discover how in the online course "Advanced Wado Kumite". 

✅ Access in-depth knowledge to understand Wado deeply and simply: so you know how to perform pairwork correctly.

✅ Apply fundamental key points so you avoid bad habits and drill ideal movement into your muscle memory.

✅ No more doubts and nagging questions so you can fully enjoy your training and teach confidently knowing 10 years from you didn't "learn it the wrong way".

Discover how through "Advanced Wado Kumite".

Your investment is temporarily not € 3.782,- but just 197 37 euro.

PPS: If you join now you get 3 bonuses valued at € 794,- for FREE that reveal exactly which exercises are most beneficial for you NOW.

PPPS: You get the 30 days no result=refund guarantee: but needless to say it's never been used. You'll see 👊 

Hit the button below to join now.
